Hex Your Ex
How to cast a hex on your ex (or anyone who deserves it)
Service Description
Got an ex that deserves a little karma? 🕯️🖤 Join me for Hex Your Ex, a class where I’ll teach you how to effectively cast a hex on your ex (or anyone who deserves it). Straight from my personal grimoire, I’ll be teaching my tried and true hex recipe. Results of this hex have included lost teeth, thousands of dollars lost, relationships ending, & being kicked out of college. Some things we will cover include: - Ethics of hexing - Protection before casting - How to perform a jar hex - Setting the space - Gathering the materials - Activating the ingredients - Executing the hex - Sealing and disposal Why do people hex? Practitioners may choose to place a hex on someone to get justice, revenge, or balance the karmic scales. Across many practices there are various different forms of hexes; from candles to jars to mirror spells, all with varying intentions. Is hexing ethical? Everyone has different personal beliefs on the morality of “baneful” magic. Some folks believe hexes to be unethical, while others believe it’s simply justice via delivering karma early. Different cultures and practices have different beliefs, and I encourage you to explore your own. It’s time to send their bad energy right back where it came from. 🔮✨ Class held on Zoom. Replay link will be sent to all participants in the days following.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
River Edge, NJ, USA